Thursday, September 17, 2009

Modeling with spreadsheets page 145

see Modelling and Analysis.ppt

Spreadsheets are a computerised mathematical and data management tool.

  • An end-user modeling tool.
  • Flexible and ‘easy’ to use.
  • Supports complex mathematical methods.
  • Can be used to implement linear programming techniques.
  • Supports complex statistical and regression analysis methods.
  • Provides services like what-if analysis, data-base management, automation macros.
  • Can be used for static and dynamic modeling.
  • risk analysis can be incorporated
Models can be developed and implemented in a variey of programming languages and systems.

Spreadsheets include extensive forecatsing, statistical and other modeling and databse management capabilities, functions and routines. As spreadsheet packages eveolved, add-ins were develpoed for structuring and solving specific model classes.

DSS related add-ins

Most popular end user modeling tool, incorporates many power financial statistical, mathematical and other functions.

Spreadsheets can perform model solution tasks such as:

1. Linear programming
Informally, linear programming determines the way to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given mathematical model and given some list of requirements represented as linear equations.
from wiki:

2. Regression analysis
regression analysis refers to techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
from wiki:

Other features:

  • what-if analysis

  • goal-seeking: Indicating a taget cell,its desired value and changing a cell.
  • datamanagement
  • programmability (macros)
Most OLAP systems ahev the look and feel of advance spreadsheet software.

Most spreadsheet packages provide seemless integration beciase they read and write common file structures and easily interface with databases.

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